Hello my amazing family! This week has been such an improvement on the week
before! I have not very much time because we have a dinner appointment soon
with some members of the ward. Wow this week we have been able to get busy and
start helping people come unto Christ! We spent alot of monday unpacking and
cleaning the apartment. Our apartment was such a mess with spiderwebs
everywhere. It was embarrassing. I remember I hated the feeling of our apartment
and so I prayed that the apartment would have a better feeling and spiritual
atmosphere to it. In response to my prayer we just started cleaning like mad!
after all was said and done the apartment felt like a totally different place to
me. As the scriptures say the Spirit of the Lord cannot dwell in unholy or
unclean places. That night we suited up and went and walked a few miles at about
7 at night in the freezing weather. We went and contacted a less active family
and set up an appointment to teach their daughter. She is 9 and wants to be
baptized when she turns 10 in may. We spent alot of time this last week visiting
less active members and fellowshipping recent converts. Most members sure enjoy
having the missionaries over and we have a hard time leaving on time after we
have taught them a bit and have given them a spiritual thought and commited them
to try and come back to church or read the Book of Mormon or to pray. They sure
like chatting and comment on how they love having the missionaries over. There
really is a special light that comes with us as we enter homes of many people. I
can definatly tell the difference of when we enter a home with a worthy
priesthood holder and when we enter homes that don't have the priesthood. Since
our area contains alot of military members there are many active lds soldiers
and families. We are fed every day at dinner. There homes feel so good to be in.
The Gospel really makes everything so lovely. I'm sorry again there isn't much
time and we are at the library and we don't get the chance to come here until
about 5:30. I tracted my first neighborhood saturday morning at about 11. We had
an appointment fall through (which happens fairly often) and our backup was to
tract. So we went and tracted. Surprisingly very few people were home for a
saturday. But we had about 7 or 8 that answered the door. All were fairly polite
but all declined and said they weren't interested or were already members of
another church. The Door I first knocked on was an older gentleman probably
about 70. This is more or less what I said. '"Hi! We're Mormon missionaries from
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We are out today sharing a
message of Jesus Christ and of families, and how families can be together
forever. Is this something that you would be interested in learning more
about?" He was nice and told me he knew about our church because his son in law
was a mormon and he had even given him a "Mormon Bible" I told him it was the
Book of Mormon and that it was an excellent book. I should have probably born
more of my testimony but I was so flustered and my mind was racing at a million
miles per hour. I gave him a mormon.org pass
along card and invited him to check it out. He said he would do that. After we
left his door I felt great inside. I felt peace and love from the Lord. Somehow
I wasn't even nervous when I knocked on the door. The Lord sure does bless us
and is always aware of us. The rest of the tracting went about the same. We did
it for about an hour. No one was really interested but we asked many of them if
the knew of anyone that was in need of some service. They all said they didn't
but hopefully we left and impression on them. Maybe in the future they will
think of our smiling faces and think of us in a positive way. I'm going to try
and upload some pictures for you so hopefully it works out. We got a call on
Friday at about 9 pm from president saying that there was going to be an
emergency transfer and that one of our companions Elder King was going to be
leaving by 9:30 the next morning to fill the needed transfer. I guess an Elder
was going home for some reason. So now I am just in a regular companionship with
Elder Menlove from Arizona. He is a good chill guy and we get along really good.
We had alot of fun in our trio and we all laughed alot. I was sad to see it go,
but there is a reason the norm is going out two by two. Church was good
yesterday I love church. I have been going about twice a week to a family in our
ward named the gabbituss's. Their dad went to portugal on his mission and so we
do language study at his house. I will listen to him and it's fun and good for
the both of us. Ok I have to go now I'm sorry. Thanks so much for your prayers.
I pray for you all everyday. Tell Jordan and Kaiden to be careful in eveything
they do. I have been praying so much for you all to be safe and be protected
physically and spiritually. The Church is True. I love the Gospel and missionary
work. Even thought its the hardest thing I have ever had to do so far in my
life. But I know the Savior is with us every step of the way. Amo
-Elder Kennington
This is a 2 year mission. We will post his letters here for family and friends.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Monday, February 18, 2013
Skylers New York Address:
If you send any letters send them to this Address: 12 Slaytonbush Road, Whitesboro NY 13492. It is the mission home and they will forward all letters to us. If you send packages it needs to be sent buy USPS priority mail or parcel or something of that sort. But it can't be UPS or Fedex because then they can't forward the mail to me.
Week #9. New York-First Week in the Field
Friday, February 8, 2013
Letter about Skylers Visa Status
I recieved this from the salt lake headquarters office today. Just thought I might share it with you, it doesn't really tell us anymore than we already know though.
Dear Elder Kennington:
Visa Status
By now you are aware that your visa to Brazil has not yet been approved. While this is undoubtedly a
disappointment, please know that we are doing everything possible to secure your visa. We will notify
you immediately when it is received. We ask that you and your family members not do anything, such as
call or e-mail the consulate, to try to secure your visa more quickly. Such actions may actually slow
down the visa process already in place.
While you are waiting, your mission experience in the United States will prove to be a great blessing in
your preparation to serve in Brazil. We encourage you to work hard, remain focused, and be involved
in all aspects of missionary work. As you serve the people in your new Mission, your
testimony and ability to teach will increase, you will set the pattern of study and hard work for the rest of
your mission, and you will come to love the people.
May the Lord continue to bless you and your family as you dedicate yourself to preaching the gospel to
those who are seeking and ready to accept your invitation to come unto Christ.
Eduardo Gavarret
Assistant Executive Director
Week #8 Provo MTC
Ola Todo Mundo! Big week this week! lots has happened! Yes I recieved my reassignment yesterday but I won't be able to call you until tonight because there has been so much going on and I want everyone to be home. So plan on recieveing a phone call about 9:30 tonight. it's late I know but I have class instruction from 6:30 until 9:30. I'll give you a couple hints though about it. I've never been there before, it will probably be extremely cold, and it's back east. (so go ahead and make guesses) I talked to the travel office and they said that the mtc services department would take care of getting me set up with a warm coat. I'm not sure if it will cost me any money, but it sounds like it should be a fair deal either way. So like you saw I was blessed to be able to host Kaiden on wednesday. I hosted 2 other Elders before him. One was an early arrival from Ohio going to the St. George mission. He had already arrived at the mtc a while earlier with a group of 34 other missionaries who had arrived early. For whatever reason they picked Elder Saxton and I to help host them. He seemed well and excited to serve in St. George. His name was Elder Grover. The next Elder I hosted was named Elder Corry. They were from St. George and his family had show up the night before to be able to drop him off on time. He was going to the California, Roseville mission like Kaiden, but he ended up being in a completely different district than Kaiden. When I got back to the curb from hosting him it was about 1:15 so I waited around for until it was 1:30 for Kaiden to come in. Sure enough I was their blue Durango across the street pulling out of the big parking lot. So I waited until they got into the mtc lot and then I gauged about where they would be. I decided they would be about midway down the sidewalk so I said a silent prayer and asked that things would work out, and that I would be able to host Kaiden. I casually made my way down about half way because I was stationed right at the top again. I went down and hung around for a bit. It felt like I waited forever. I finally decided that a space must have opened up at the top and they must had pulled in their. So I sadly started making my way back to the top, I think I walked back up for 5 seconds and then their durango magically came into view and pulled right up next to me in the next available spot. I couldn't believe it!
I thanked the Lord for his tender mercy again. It was just like with Aaron, it all worked out perfectly. The Lord loves us so much and is always willing to help us when he sees fit. It was awesome seeing Kaiden, and his family! They seemed to do well and reminded me alot of how mom and dad and the brothers were when they dropped me off. I feel bad for some of the moms and families because they weep and wail like they were at their son or daughters funeral! We talked for just a bit and they said their last goodbyes and were off. (btw just so you know anyone can get out of the vehicle when they get to the mtc, instead of just one like mom and dad had thought) me and Elder Memmott talked the whole time and did some good catching up. I warned him of how the mtc food gives everyone gas like crazy and that he could borrow my gas-x if he wanted. We laughed the entire time and I dropped him off at his class. Luckily later that night we caught up again at dinner because all the new missionaries have dinner at 4:15 and we always have it at 4:30 so I somehow spotted him among the 1000 plus missionaries and we talked more and went and found Sister Allred and caught up. It was fun and was a great blessing. He seems to be doing great and was just so relieved to finally be here in the mtc. Yesterday was our in field orientation day from 8 until 5:30. It was long but was interesting and I learned alot of good stuff. It started getting very real for me yesterday that I will be leaving the security of the mtc and heading out into the world. I feel very inadequite as a teacher, and I'm honestly really nervous to go and and start teaching real investigators. I feel that I have been taught how to speak portuguese well, but that I am lacking alot of know how and skill on actually teaching, and inviting others to come unto Christ. But the in field orientation gave me a boost and gave me confidence. Basically we were in the 1m building all day which is the one with the cafeteria and the big rooms and we rotated every hour and a half or so to different rooms for different learning activities. We learned the importance of bringing a member or recent convert with you when teaching progressing investigators. I got the goodies you sent me and they were in perfect shape. They are delicious and thanks for sending them. Those cookie dough brownies are defiantly worth keeping the recipe around. So Aaron is doing really good, he is progressing well with the language and I get to see him everyday, it's really nice knowing that 3 of my closest friends are here in the mtc with me. Robby told me that his parents had sent something with him to give me, I never see him because his meal schedules are completely different than mine but yesterday after in field orientation we had dinner at 5:30 instead of 4:30, so again I prayed that I would find him because there was tons and tons of missionaries at dinner yesterday and I thought there was no way I could find him, I looked for a bit but didn't see him. I had to go get a fork so I stood up to go get one from the nearest table but I had the thought to walk all the way across the cafeteria and fight through a million missionaries to get a fork from a different table, just because I thought that maybe I would run into Elder Wood. And lo and behold I walk across the cafeteria and run right into Elder Wood! He said he still needed to give me that "thing" that his parents had given him to give me so I gave him my residence building and room number so that he could drop it off to me. He came by that night and dropped me off a pretty blue tie, I was in the shower so we just talked for a second but it was cool and finally gives me a switch up of ties. I where a green tie 90% of the time and everyone knows that green is my favorite color. Everyone complimented my new blue tie at the temple today, and said they didn't recognize me without a green one. If you see the Woods tell them thanks so much! Robby is doing great as well, he leaves a week after me. So I just got my hair cut and so I'll take a before and after picture so you can see. Sorry this letter is taking forever we had to leave and take care of other stuff, its 5:30 right now and I still haven't sent the rest to you. So I went to foreign missionary services and they totally gave me a brand new dual lined coat, gloves, a beanie, and a scarf. They just wrote down my last name and told me to leave the stuff at my new mission home in the states or to have them send it back to the mtc. It's super nice stuff, especially the jacket it's a mr. mac with a thick fleece/wool liner and a waterproof zip out shell that is also insulated. It's super nice stuff. I just told them I had been reassigned to a new cold area and the lady just went back and grabbed all the stuff for me. So I guess I'm set. I'm excited to call you guys, I'm only limited to 5 minutes but I bought a calling card and so I can call you when I get to the airport. So this week was great and i saw the blessings of the Lord everywhere. Thanks for everything and for mom and dad and grandma dale writing me. I love on Monday evenings when I get a dear Elder from grandma Dale. I look forward to it all day. The church is so true. I love the Book of Mormon so much. It is a book of 100% truth. It came about the way Joseph said it did. Brother Joseph saw God the Father and his son Jesus Christ in the Sacred Grove. If your not sure if that event really happened then ask God. He was there. As a representative of the Lord Jesus Christ I testify those things are true. And through the power of the Holy Ghost we can all know that they are true as well. Take care everyone I'm super happy to leave the mtc but saddened as well, I have many great friends here that I have made. But I'm so excited to leave and to spread the miraculous message of the Gospel. Not sure what day I will get to write next, but I love you all! Obrigado por tudo!
-Elder Kennington
Friday, February 1, 2013
Wk #7 Provo MTC
Oi minha grande familia! Como estao voces? Another week has shot by here at the mtc. It will be our last week here on our normal schedule. We have had the same schedule the last 7 weeks and next week will be a little bit different. We will have some in field training next thursday which I have no idea what it constists of. not sure what the other differences are but I do know it's different. I'll let you know next week on more of what will happen. So it was a fun week this last week. On Sunday they released our Branch president, President Braithwaite. What a great man, he is given me much advice and has given me some great counsel on how to be a great missionary. Him and his wife had served in our portuguse branch for the last 4 years, so they knew that their time was soon up. They actually got lucky and have been asked to be be a counseler in a new English speaking branch that they are making. There are so many Sisters and Elders here. And this is just the start! The new MTC presidency (we got a new president 2 weeks ago, President Nally, he replaced President Brown) they said that by July there would be almost 8000 misionaries at the mtc! It will be crazy! I have no idea how they will be able to do it! but the Lord always provides a way so that his work can move forward and I know that it will all work out fine. That sure will be alot of food that is going to be needed for the missionaries, every wednesday me and the other 4 Elders in my district have a service project where we were at the food loading docks. It's alot like working at Paragon, they bring in tons and tons of food and juice off trucks and we get to help unload it and count it all out and then put it all where it belongs. it's pretty cool being able to see first hand where all the food is and the massive mtc kitchen and all the workers that they have tirelessly preparing the food. The Lord definatly blessed us with and awesome service project because almost all of the mtc gets stuck cleaning up bathrooms and residence hall. Our work is actually fun and in a way relaxing. I'm just glad I won't be working when there is triple the amount of missionaries than there is now. That will be alot of food! Anyway, last Sunday I was asked to pass the sacrament in our meeting, that was a cool experience especially how it is completely silent in the chapel since there are no kids or other distractions. The new mtc president presided at our meeting because they released President Braithwaite. Our new President is President Radebaugh who was formerly the 1st counselor and our new 1st counseeor is Brother Christofferson who was formerly the 2nd counseler. Our new second counselers name is Brother Jackson. He was just release as a stake president and was a mission president in the Brazil, Campinas mission several years ago. They are all great men and I'm sad that we only have another week and a hald with them. So yesterday the brazil group that is a week ahead of us all got their reassigments. there is 24 of them in total, and their reassignments comprise of going to Missouri, Louisianna, Florida, California, Montana, Texas, Iowa and here in utah. One was assigned to the Provo mission and the mission home is only about 3 miles from the mtc, another was assigned to SLC central mission. Everyone is super excited about their reassignments. Most companionships were split up. I think that only one companionship is going together to the independance missouri mission. They way reassignments work is that we are reassigned for one transfer, which is six weeks. Even ifd your visa comes the day after you arrive to you new area you still stay the entire six weeks. If you six weeks goes by and you still don't have your visa then you stay another six weeks. there is no limit on how long you will stay and its very rare that you are reassigned permanantly. Last week there were three Elder in our zone that were to be reassigned. One was reassigned to Alabama and the other two were reassigned to texas. When they went to the travel office to pick up their reassignments they gave two of them the reassignments and they told the other that he needed to wait a minute. She went back into the office for a minute and then came back and told the Elder (Elder Crook) that his visa had randomly showed up just an hour before. So they canceled his reassignment to texas which had just barely been made. And told him he was leaving to Sao Paulo on tuesday. It just shows that if The Lord needs visas he will get visas. So I had to quite writing this letter so I could go get lunch and then I went to the health clinic to talk to them, I had been having some weird feelings in one of my molars in the left side of my mouth and it looked a little funny to me cause I could have sworn there used to be a filling in that tooth but now it was just kinda empty and weird looking. I had been prompted for several days to go to the health clinic and ask about it so on monday I went in and told them about it and they said that the mtc dentist was coming in on thursday and if I could wait till then he could check out my teeth. So I waited till yesterday cause the pain wasn't bad at all and I barely noticed it, he was this really Old Doctor Dickerson. He said that he lived and Roosevelt and had gone to Union and graduated in like 58 or something. It was cool talking to him and he checked me for less than five minutes and confirmed that I was missing most of a filling. He said that he couldn't do any work on it but he would have the receptionist schedule me an appointment. He said they would put more information in my mailbox. So that evening I got a note in the mailbox that said to go back to the health clinic and talk to one of the ladies. I went at about 12:15 today because the health clinic was closed by the time I got my note. They had me feel out a waiver sheet that allowed me to go off the mtc campus. Then they called dad and told him that I was at the health clinic. I was listening and could hear dads voice through the phone. I thought it was funny cause they didn't explain what the problem was right away, they just told dad that I was at the health clinic. I hope he didn't worry for the brief few seconds before they explained things. I doubt he did. So they got my insurance stuff and then they scheduled an appointment with a dentist at 1:00 the same day. We had a miscommunication on times and we missed the first shuttle so we had to scramble around and get another one arranged. The health receptinoist lady wasn't very happy with me cause I missed my shuttle, I felt pretty bad but it all worked out ok. We got to the Dentist after many wrong turns and they got me into the chair pretty quick. The doctor was pretty young and his name was dr. jones. He started looking at my tooth and then the next thing I knew he had pulled out a big needle and gave me two shots. I thought to myself "that escalated quickly" he said that I had a channel going through my tooth that was decayed and had to all be drilled out. So much for there not being any decay. They got it drilled out and filled in fairly quickly and there wasn't any problems with it. We did have to wait at the dentists office for another 45 mins after though because the shuttle took a while to show. But now all is well. We just got done having dinner and I don't have any time to write anything more. So yeah I didn't get to host on wednesday cause I guess there was too many first time Elders that got to host but I will host this wednesday for sure and hopefully I will see Kaiden. I saw Robby today for just a second and on wednesday me and Sister Allred sat down and talked to him for a while. He seems to be doing great. Anyway love you guys all, the church is so true and Jesus Christ himself is at the head of it. I testify of that. So glad everyone had fun on the cruise thanks for the pictures and tell Grandma Dale thanks so much for the care package! Love you all and I am doing great! When we get our reassignments they will let me call home for 5 minutes so it will probably be between wednesday and friday that I call you. Amo voces tao muito!
-Elder Kennington
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