So,Tuesday and Wednesday were pretty cold for here in Brazil. It was about 60 degrees. People were bundling in their thickest jackets and blankets, it seems that I have become accustomed to the Brazil heat because I was pretty cold as well. Tuesday and Wednesday were the first days in 4 months that I had used my long sleeved shirts. This last Friday marked my 4 month mark here in Brazil. So I know for sure now that the majority of my time on the mission has been spent her in Brazil. I was blessed that my visa came after only one transfer in the states. I know that there are quite a few Americans in our mission that are starting their 3rd transfer in the states, they still haven't received their visas. We pray everyday that they will arrive. I heard that in total there are about 600 Americans waiting on visas to Brazil. I found out today that Jesse Jorgensen that is supposed to be going to the Recife mission was reassigned to the California Riverside mission where Robby is serving. Keep praying for visas. We went to Lucas again on Wednesday to have district meeting with the Sisters, then we went back again on Friday to interview 3 people for baptism there. That was a hot day, we left the house in a rush at about 7 in the morning and I forgot ot put on sunscreen, I didn't really burn but my skin got really red. We estimated the amount of kilometers that we walked that day and we figured that we walked about 28 kilometers, which is a little more than 17 miles. We walked a ton that day, but it was worth it because yesterday our zone of 12 missionaries had 7 baptisms. 3 in Lucas, 3 in Sinop, and 1 here in Sorriso. Elder Cordeiro and I were blessed to baptize Miques that we found last week. We taught him over the week and worked with him a lot and it all worked out to baptize him yesterday. We asked a priest here to baptize him and he accepted. It was a super cool thing. Miques was a little scared because he thought that if he got baptized then his "friends" wouldn't like him anymore. We explained very clearly and Frankly that he will be blessed abundantly for being baptized and staying firm, and that if his friends don't want to be his friend anymore than they weren't really his friends in the first place. He overcame his fears and it worked out great. He lives with his mom and step dad and uncle. His parents aren't legally married and have a lot of problems with the word of wisdom but the supported Miques in being baptized and even attended Church with him yesterday and attended his Baptismal Service. That was a blessing to have his parents there for Miqueses special day. I was thinking a lot about when we met Miques on the sidewalk and how it was a miracle that Heavenly Father had put him in our path the moment we walked out of the church house. We had just gotten done cleaning and trying to fix the baptismal font. Because it had a leak, and the next day they were going to shut off the power and water in that part of the city for some reason, and so we were working to fix the leak so that we could fill the font early and not worry about it the next day. We finally did all that we could do and after we offered a prayer that the Lord would bless us and the baptismal font and everything at church the next day that everything would work out according to the will of The Lord. After that Elder Cordeiro said that its in the hands of The Lord now. And we walked out of the Church and met Miques. The next day our baptism fell through because our investigators called us early and said they had gotten really sick during the night. We will still work with them to baptize them but Our Heavenly Father knew that there would be a young man walking in front of the church at the exact time that we would be messing with the font. The Lord knew that the baptism would fall through but he also knew that there was someone else even more prepared to be baptized and that we would only find them if we were at the church cleaning the font at that exact time. The Lord sure know a lot more than we do. It made me think of Ricardo as well we had an appointment fall through and were just walking through the street not really knowing what we were doing when we found Ricardo. A little over a month ago he was just another man sitting on a bench on the sidewalk. But now he is a faithful Priesthood holder who has a strong desire to help others come unto the Gospel. I will include a picture that I took of me and him last night. We had a ward council meeting that he is a part of now. That's one of the greatest things is seeing the Gospel change people. Sometimes appointments or other things fall through and don't work out, but it could very well be because the Lord is preparing someone else who is ready for the Gospel. That's why we always have to be ready and sensitive to the whisperings of the Spirit, and he will guide us. I'm happy to know that the Lord trusts his missionaries, we are never alone out here in the field. The Savior walks with us as well. The other picture of the baptism is Samuel and Miques. Samuel is the really tall one. Miques is 15 years old but he is still a pretty small kid, I also included a picture of the font, which is located outside of the church, I think its pretty neat. We are starting to organize things a little better here in the branch. Every wednesday night we have a division with a ward member and we go visit less actives and investigators. The ward has a plan to reactivate one family every transfer as well. less than 3 years ago there was 100 people coming to church that were active, now the average is only 50. We are going to help change that. That's about it for this week not a whole ton to write, I hope Jordan and Kaden have a good time in Wyoming. That will be fun for them. I just want to leave my love for all of you and I am always praying for everyone back at home. I know this is the work of Our Heavenly Father, he is the one guiding all of it. Love you all until next week. Uma Boa Semana Pra Todo Mundo! -Elder Kennington