Bom Dia minha querida família! I hope you are all doing well this
week, from your emails it sound like all is good back at home. This week was
alot better, We still had many disappointments but I was able to keep my mind on
the work and not back at home. This week I felt like the pioneers ha we walked
ALOT! But what do you expect I guess our area is really big and we have no car.
Not a whole ton happened this week. Last p-day I was laying on my bed resting
and my throat randomly started hurting and my head started hurting. It was
really uncomfortable so I just laid in bed the rest of the night and when I
woke up in the morning it was worse. My headache had gotten better but my throat
was hurting really bad so I went and looked and yt throat was really red and my
tonsils were swollen but there wasn't any of those white blister things, i don't
remember the name. So I have been dealing with that the entire week. As of now
my throat isn't really hurting anymore but I still have alot of mucus in my
sinuses and in my lungs. I have been coughing alot too. Its that type of cough
where when you breathe something in your chest tickles and so you have to cough.
Its a pain but I have been taking my one a day vitamins and I still have some
emergen-c that mom sent me while I was in the mtc. I have also been gargling
with salt water. But luckily we didn't lose any work time over the week because
of it, I did get out of bed late all this week I'm pretty drained in the mornings
and this cold that I have or whatever has made it super hard in the mornings. I'm
committed this week though to get out of bed on time even if I'm still feeling a
little sick. This week we have been teaching that couple that I have been
talking about alot. We taught the plan of Salvation this week to them which is
one of my favorite lessons. Their mom sat in this time and by the end of the
lesson she was shedding a few tears because the spirit touched her heart so
much. After the lesson she said that she was going to start frequenting our
church now. We invited her to baptism and she accepted with com certeza! (for
sure!) She said that she wants to quite smoking first and that she had smoked
for over 30 years. She smokes about 40 cigarettes a day and we committed her to
cut down. So we came back the next day and she had smoked only 5 cigarrettes
that day. She has alot of faith. And we are working with her alot. This couple
finally made it to church. They had a ride set up with one of their friends but
it fell through. Our phone wasn't connecting with theirs for some reason so we
left the house early and basically ran to their house at the end of our area.
Its usually about a 35-40 minute walk but this time we got there in just over 20
mins. Its a good thing too we talked to them and we said we would get someone to
take them, so we called our branch president and he came and picked them up and
took them to church. Then we ran to a less active and asked if he was going to
church, he said that he was expecting visitors soon at his house but he offered
us a ride back up to the church. It was a lifesaver that he did cause we only
missed the first 2 minutes of church. President Reber and his wife and son were
at our ward on Sunday. They came the day before to give a training to the ward
leadership. Preident Rebers son just got back from his mission like 2 weeks ago
from Chile. He hasn't been released yet and so he is basically in a trio with his
parents. Its really cool, it was cool talking with him in Portuguese and then he
would respond in Spanish and we could understand and have a conversation. He is
going back to the states pretty soon I think within the next 2 weeks. President
Reber and his family didn't get to stay long because the training that they are
giving they are giving to the entire mission and so they are super rushed. All I
know is that I want to be like President Reber one day, he is a man of great
humility and love. Him and his wife and son all spoke during sacrament meeting.
It was powerful his son spoke in Spanish and everybody was able to understand
fine. Our investigator couple loved it. We had a zone meeting on Wednesday here
in Sorriso. We only have 12 people in our zone but they are all great. After the
meeting we all went to a place called the Acai cabin. Its supposed to be the
best place in the entire mission to get acai berry drinks and smoothies. What we
got was a sort of creamed acai with granola and strawberries. I took a picture
of it that I will include. It was great and felt really good on my throat that
had been hurting. So Friday I got my hair cut and and made some contacts with
some really neat people and taught some really great lessons. We got back to the
house that night and we noticed the window to our room was open. Our house has
two windows in the front one in the room where we sleep and the other in our
study room area. both have iron bars over them so nobody can get in but the
bars a spread apart quite a ways so its pretty easy to get you hand in. We always
shut the windows before we leave and so we knew that someone had been dinking
around with the window. I looked in and saw that my electric shaver was still on
my bed so I thought o good nobody took anything. But later that night I was
looking for a little speaker that I had bought last p-day. here ipods and things
like that are super expensive so alot of people use little speakers that have
ports for usb drives and sd cards. They are relatively cheap about 40 or 50
reais and are really handy. I bought one last week and used it to listen to all
my Portuguese talks. I bought a pen drive the week before and put a ton of talks
and scriptures on it. That night I was looking for it and couldn't find it I
thought hard and I was pretty sure that I had left in on my bed before we left
for they day. I went and hunted around some more and discovered that I was
missing my pendrive, soundbox, ipod, and a portable dvd player that each house
has. Somebody hit the jackpot, I still cant figure out why I had my ipod,
speakers usb drive and a mini dvd player all sitting on my bed at the same time.
But someone had come during the daytime and taken all of them through my window.
Luckily I still have my camera and shaver though which are really what is
valuable to me. I still cant figure out why they didn't take my shaver though, a
shaver like the on I have would be super expensive here. I was pretty mad at
first, but mostly at myself. Whoever took my stuff must have know who we were
though and that we had nice stuff. A few weeks ago we got back from our zone
conference in cuiabá and the same thing happened my window was wide open. So we
know that someone had been there before and we talked to a member last night who
said that several week ago she saw some tall guy with a backpack come into our
yard and open our window and look around. I don't know why she didn't tell us
sooner though. Our windows have locks but they are a pain to deal with but as of
now we will take the pain of always locking our windows. But I would rather have
that happen then be robbed at gunpoint or something. I wonder if the Lord has a
purpose in letting things like this happen. I know that I learned to not leave
valuable stuff by the window. But its alright All these things can be replaced,
I'm just glad I still have my camera with all the pictures, I would have cried if
they took my pictures. But no worries I forgive whoever did it. We had a baptism
scheduled for yesterday but it fell through it was a young women 14 years old
that we contacted in the street. She wants to be baptized but she is afraid to
make commitments I think, She doesn't understand why we cant drink coffee and
things like that. We already filled out her baptismal form and gotten her mom
signature and all that but the day before she said that she didn't know if she
was ready yet. We were bummed but these things happen she said she would go to
church but she didn't show up this week. It is what it is, though. Yesterday we
had our the branch mission leader take us around to less active that he wanted
to work with. Most of them weren't home so we just taught the people that were
home that weren't members. We walked a bunch yesterday. I almost felt like we
were breaking the Sabbath cause we walked so much haha. But I'm happy for p-day.
Next week is transfers. We think that either I or Elder Cordeiro will be
transferred along with Elder Chaves who already has 4 and half months here. He
only has 3 months left on the mission and he is super excited to go home. We
will see what happens just please keep transfers in your prayers so that
everything goes smoothly and so that President Reber can be inspired to know
what to do. I think that's about it though thanks for your emails I love you guys
all so much. Also We heard that there is a rumor going around that missionaries
can use facebook now but President Reber said that its just a rumor. I don't know
if anyone has heard about it in the states or just here in Brazil. Anyways love
you guys so much thanks for all the prayers and thoughts!
Com Amor
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