The BBQ (Look at All that Meat!) |
Skylers Green Tie Selection/Collection |
20th Birthday, Sipping Colada |

Boa tarde pessoal, so its about 5:30 in the evening right now, I am
writing pretty late, cause we had another bbq, we got a bunch of meat again and
started our fire at about 10 in the morning and by 1 we were ready to eat, we
invited the assistants to the president and they came down and hung with us, so
we had a sweet bbq and then after we went to the church and played soccer, I
almost died cause its so dang hot but we had a good time, and now I am writing you guys about our week. So it was a pretty good normal week,
it passed by super fast. I cant even remember what happened during the week, last
week we just ended up hanging out and having another bbq that was really big, we
did it at the old bishops house that lives straight across from us, we invited
several members, we did it partly to celebrate my birthday as well, it was
pretty good we had a ton of meat and everyone ate well. So not alot to write
this week, Wednesday was just like any other day, I woke up and forgot it was my
birthday until I went to sit at my desk to study and saw that my zone leader
Elder Moira had given a green tie and a card that said happy birthday, that was
really cool of him. Later that night we went to teach Leticia and got there and
they had a surprise dinner party for me, that was cool we had a great dinner and
then a super good chocolate cake and the sister there got me a present that was
a hot chocolate mug of the Brazilian soccer team that I like call the palmeiras.
We took some pictures and stuff too. One of our zone leaders Elder Moraes has
been having alot of pains in his knee this week and has been pretty cooped up
doing nothing cause he cant hardly walk, and also Elder Almeida has been kinda
burnt out this week too, but still we got out and taught alot of lessons. We
have been working alot with Leticia alot still and we are trying to get her
baptized this Sunday and also we are preparing a lady here who wants to be
baptized but her husband is a jerk, they are separated now but he is still
giving her and their kids a hard time, all their kids are firm members and she
couldn't be baptized cause she wasn't married legally but now she's separated from
him but he is all mad at the church and the missionaries cause he said its our
fault that his wife wanted to separate from him and stuff. But the dudes a
stooge, he drinks and smokes and has even beat his family, and he wasn't willing
to change and so the family is trying to get away from his influence. But she
was going to get baptized yesterday, but something didn't work out and so now its
scheduled for this week I think, so pray that all will work out for us. I went
on splits with Elder Moura this week and we went and looked for some less
actives but no body was home and so we just ended up making contacts with
people, The sun goes down at 7 o clock now and so its easier to get more lessons
in and make contacts during the day, because before, the sun went down at 6
everyday. So on Friday we had a sweet activity where all the wards in the stake
got together and we went to a place nearby that's kinda like fabrizios park
place, where you rent it for the day and do what you want, they had a pool there
and a big pavilion and a soccer field and stuff, we got permission from
President Reber to go and eat because we were going to have investigators there
and also all the families in the ward were going too and so we wouldn't have a
way to eat if we didn't go, so we went and had a good time and ate, and played
cards and that's about it, we couldn't swim and we couldn't play soccer cause we
were in proselyting clothes, but it was good but that was a dang hot day and
sweat kept getting in my eyes when I was walking in the street, it was supposed
to rain this week but it only rained Saturday. Saturday was an adventure we
walked forever to get to lunch and when we got there we went in and drank some
coconut juice from some coconuts that we pulled out of their tree and then after
a while the members were like so what are you guys doing here and we were like
lunch isn't with you guys and they said no and so we found out that it was with
another family with the same name that live right next to our house so we walked
a ton again in the blazing sun and got to lunch 2 hours late, but luckily the
sister was cool and we still had a good lunch, that night our district leader
came to do an interview with the sister that we are going to baptize and so I
went on splits with Elder Linton again, we didn't have anything to do so we just
went and made contacts, we passed some dudes from Haite that I spoke Spanish so
I stopped and talked to them and taught them a little bit, I talked to a guy for
a while about the church he spoke a mixture of Portuguese and Spanish pretty
well and we were able to communicate fine but I was explaining about the holy
ghost and how it is received by the laying on of hands but, he pretended like he
didn't understand but I know he did, we invited him to church but made the usual
excuse of Oh ill go if it works out. That's what most people say. Oh I forgot to
mention that we had a zone meeting on Thursday that was good I will include a
picture for you, we have 7 American elders and 2 American sister in our zone,
one Bolivian, one Argentinian and the rest are Brazilians. We have a sweet zone
and Ill include a picture for you guys. That day it got up to 45 degrees celcius
which is 113 degrees I think, it was warm that's for sure. But I think that's
about it for this week. I got your letters this week from you guys for my
birthday and thanksgiving thanks for the letters I really enjoyed them. My
birthday was good , most of the members here wished me happy birthday and most
of them new about it. Happy birthday today to Jetson and to dad on Thursday I
hope its good. Sunday was good yesterday too I forgot, I will be giving a talk
next week in sacrament meeting so that will be cool, first time on the mission.
So Sunday we went and taught with the ward missionaries it was good but when we
were returning home I stepped in a pile of dog crap and then a little weiner dog
took a whiz on my recently polished shoes and on my pants as well. What luck.
Its alright though it happens. It was a good week though and i felt close to all
of you during my birthday. Next week is transfers so the next time I talk to you
you will know who my know companion will be, it sounds like Elder Almeida will
leave to go to the mission Sunday evening. Its his last week, but he's still
hanging in there. Yeah so that's about it all is well here thanks for the letters
from everyone. But keep it real everyone and know how much I love you
-Elder Kennington
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