Good morning everyone, sorry I didn't write yesterday, we had
transfers and Elder Piñon was transferred and so it didn't give us much time in
the lan house, I just had barely enough time to get the zone numbers sent and
the letter to the president sent. We have to go to lunch here really soon so I
wanted to run to the lan house before lunch because after lunch, I will have to
go pick up my companion with a member here and then we have to go straight back
home and stay in the house for the rest of the day because of the game today. It
sounds like Brasil will be playing against Mexico, it should be an interesting
game. There really isn't much to say for this week at all, Thursday we had to
stay in the house the entire day because of the game, we went to lunch and then
we just went back home. IT was really boring I just rested and studied a little
bit. I hate being inside the house during the day, I don't understand how so many
Elders can stay in the house instead of working. It kills me, we knew every time
Brasil made a goal during the game because the whole neighborhood would start
yelling and cheering and people would light off fireworks and go outside and rev
up their motorcycles and cars and stuff. Its kind of funny actually. It was neat
seeing all of the patriotism, there were people all over in the streets selling
Brasil shirts and flags and horns and stuff like that. I wish it could be like
that everyday. I sent some pictures yesterday of a huge flag that had in front
of the city hall. Well so I was kind of bummed out to see Elder Piñon go, I
already knew that he would be leaving but its sad seeing a good friend leave. He
is a great missionary and friend and has been one of my best companions. My new
companions name is Elder Yezzi, he is a Brasilian from the northeast of Brazil.
I know that he only has 8 months on the mission so he is definitely one of the
youngest zone leaders ever in this mission, everyone says he is terrific though
and that he will probably be assistant one day. SO I really was happy to stay
here one more transfer here in Ponta, I really didn't want to leave quite yet,
the members are marvelous here and I wasn't ready to leave them behind yet. But
its a for sure that this will be my last transfer here so there wont be any
guessing as to whether or not I will stay or go so that will give me proper time
to get pictures with everyone and also to buy some souvenirs (how do you spell
that?) things are alot cheaper here in Ponta and I can get members to go to
Paraguay to get stuff for even cheaper. We had 3 dinners this week with families
including two barbecues it was great I'm just glad I'm still here, because I
honestly would be super bummed out if I had stayed. I was happy with the zone
too because every companionship had at least one baptism this transfer, that was
our goal because there were a few that hadn't had any baptisms for a long long
time and they finally baptized. There was one that when I was in a division we
knocked the door of a less active family and found them and the last day of the
transfer they baptized their 15 year old son, that was a miracle, I think I
commented about it one one of my former letters, that was definitely a miracle
from our Father in Heaven. So we have been working alot with less actives and
recent converts lately and we have soon a huge turnout at church almost 1/3 of
the people at church on Sunday were less actives and recent converts, that made
us super happy. Things have kinda stopped with Bruna, she is working and going
to school everyday and so it has been impossible to find her a home. Plus it
sounds like she is working on Sundays which really complicates things, pray for
us to be able to find the Lords Elects so that we can baptize them, pray for
our zone as well it seems that we will be hitting a dry patch, this transfer the
zone had baptisms every week, but I'm scared that this transfer wont be the same,
pray for the people and the missionaries please. Well I'm so glad that I'm here in
Ponta Porã and am grateful to only have 4 transfers left on the mission, it sad
and I'm not ready to go home yet but I think after these next 6 months I think I
will be spent, but for now I'm am still well and full of gas, all of the sisters
from my group are at home and have sent us emails of them getting home and stuff
that was kinda trunky seeing that. Its all good though I'm happy and am grateful
for your prayers and thoughts. I hope and pray that this last transfer here in
Ponta will be one of the best of my mission. I'm will include one more picture
that I forgot to send a while ago, this was my last picture together of My
family, Elder Payne (My son) and Elder Ellis (My grandson) who was trained by
Elder Payne. We were all wearing green ties as well haha. But yeah I'm am in a
trio until we get my companion but we will be heading to get my companion. But I
love you all so much and I love the Gospel so much, there is no greater peace
than that which comes from being a worthy member of the Church of Jesus Christ.
I know that He is our Savior and I love Him, and I know that all of you love Him
as well. That's why I am so grateful to have you all as my family. Everyone
take good care and have a great week I think we have to go to Campo Grande on
Thursday...again so that should be fun. Love you guys! Take good care! oh and
also happy Fathers day to dad! I had forgotten because its a completely
different day here in Brasil. Abraço,
-Elder Kennington
Brazil World Cup going on. |
Elder Kennington, Elder Ellis and Elder Payne~All wearing Green Ties. |
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